ASBGHN Public Meeting
Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431 et. seq., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Arizona State Board on Geographic and Historic Names will hold a public meeting on November 16, 2017 beginning at 10:00 AM in the Second Floor Historic Supreme Court Room, Suite 200 of the Arizona State Capitol Building, 1700 W. Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85007. The Board may hold an Executive Session to discuss or consult for legal advice with its attorney or attorneys on matters listed on this agenda pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(3). Members of the Board will attend either in person or by telephone conference call.
Items on the agenda may be heard out of order
1) Call to Order and Roll Call 10:00 a.m.
Introductions of members and staff
2) Announcements
a. Welcome new Board members
i. Kathy Ber, Department of Economic Security
Thanks to Clark Princell for his service
ii. Theresa Craig, Legal Counsel to Board, Arizona Attorney General’s Office
Thanks to Eddie Slade for his service
3) Approval of the Minutes of the September 25, 2017 Regular Meeting
4) Chair’s Correspondence and Activity Report, Discussion and/or Action
a. Discussion with Senator John Kavanagh regarding the Arizona Department of Transportation’s position on the Jefferson Davis Memorial Highway
5) ASBGHN Staff Report, Discussion and/or Action
a. Letter received by Arizona Department of Transportation regarding the Jefferson Davis National Highway designation on Arizona roads
6) Re-opening of 2017-01, approved new name, Serendipity Mountain in Mohave County; Reconsider/Act upon
a. Disclosure of potential conflict of interest under A.R.S. 38-501, et. seq.
7) Dockets, Discussion and/or Action
New Dockets
a. Docket 2017-06, proposed new name/name change, Lincoln Ragsdale Memorial Monument, in Pinal County; Consider/Act upon
b. Docket 2017-07, proposed new name, Governor Rose Mofford Memorial Highway, applied to U.S. 60; multiple counties; Consider/Act upon
Deferred Dockets
a. Docket 2015-01, Odzilaayé Creek, proposed name change for Little Squaw Creek in Yavapai and Maricopa County; Consider/Act upon
b. Docket 2015-02, Ledni Líí Creek, proposed name change for Squaw Creek in Yavapai County; Consider/Act upon
c. Docket 2015-03, Ché Yagoodigúhn Creek, proposed name change for East Branch Squaw Creek in Yavapai County; Consider/Act upon
d. Docket 2015-04, Iiyá Draw, proposed name change for Middle Fork Squaw Creek in Yavapai County; Consider/Act upon
e. Docket 2015-05, Gosga Creek, proposed name change for North Fork Squaw Creek in Yavapai County; Consider/Act upon
f. Docket 2015-06, Tudigis Creek, proposed name change for South Fork Squaw Creek in Yavapai County; Consider/Act upon
g. Docket 2015-07, Hósh Flat, proposed name change for Squaw Creek Mesa in Yavapai County; Consider/Act upon
h. Docket 2016-02, proposed new name, Day Pass/Ann Day Memorial Wildlife Bridge, in Pima County; Consider/Act upon
i. Docket 2016-03, proposed name change, from Twentyfour and One-half Mile Rapid to Bert Loper Rapids in Coconino County; Consider/Act upon
j. Docket 2017-02, proposed name change, from Jefferson Davis National Highway to Martin Luther King Memorial Highway in Pinal County; Consider/Act upon
k. Docket 2017-03, proposed name change, from Jefferson Davis National Highway to Governor Rose Mofford Memorial Highway in Pinal County; Consider/Act upon
l. Docket 2017-04, proposed name change, remove Jefferson Davis National Highway; Consider/Act upon
m. Docket 2017-05, proposed new name, Walkabout Mesa in Yavapai County; Consider/Act upon
8) Selection of future meeting dates
9) Suggested Agenda Items
10)Comments from the Public
Those wishing to address the Board must be recognized by the Chair. Each presentation will be limited to 2 minutes and one person per organization. Action taken as a result of public comments will be limited to directing staff to study or schedule the matter for further consideration at a later time.
Additional information concerning the Board’s agenda and dockets for the meeting may be obtained by calling (602) 926-3870.
Dennis Preisler, Chair Date: November 16, 2017
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits the Arizona State Board on Geographic and Historic Names from discriminating on
the basis of disability in the provision of its public meetings. Individuals with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations, such as
interpreters or alternative formats, by contacting the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records at (602) 542-4035 as soon as
possible. Please be specific about the agenda item I which you are interested and for which you are requesting an accommodation. The
agency may not be able to provide certain accommodations prior to the meeting unless they are requested a reasonable time in advance of
the meeting. The agenda will be made available in an alternative format on request.