Economic Estimates Commission Meeting
Pursuant to ARS 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Economic Estimates Commission and to general public that the Economic Estimates Commission will hold a meeting open to the public on Wednesday, October 28, 2020, at 3:00 p.m. The meeting will be held virtual hosting in Google Meets.
Members of public who wish to attend the meeting should join the meeting using the following options:
- Google Meet - Join by phone: +1 620-712-2513 PIN: 227 140 699#
- Google Meet - Video Link: (If using another browser other than Google Chrome copy and paste this link into the browser)
- Email [email protected] to obtain handouts on the day of the meeting.
*NOTE: Members of the public do not need to have a Google account to participate in this meeting
Please note that members of the public that choose to utilize Google Meet by phone or video link will be muted. If a member of the public wishes to speak, and has dialed in by phone they will need to press *6 in order to unmute. If using the video link press the unmute button located at the bottom of the screen in order to speak.