Nominating Committee for the Commission on Appellate Court Appointments
Pursuant to ARS 38-431.02 notice is hereby given to members of the Nominating Committee for the Commission on Appellate Court Appointments (Nominating Committee) and the general public that the Nominating Committee for the Commission on Appellate Court Appointments will meet on Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 4:00pm. For additional information please contact Director Ryan Peters at 602-542-2449.
1) Call to order 4:00pm
2) Approval of Minutes from Sept. 21, 2015 meeting
3) Review of statutory requirements- Kate Hackett King, Deputy General Counsel
4) Discussion of applicants
5) Call to the public
6) Selection of applicants for recommendation to the Governor (ACTION)
7) Adjournment
The nominating committeee may move into executive session at any time to discuss legal or other personnel-sensitive matters. Please telephone your request fpr accessibility for persons with disabilities to 602-542-2449 so that accommodations may be arranged.