Sunset Review Committee
Pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to members of the Arizona State Board on Geographic and Historic Names (“ASBGHN” or “Board”) and the general public that the ASBGHN Sunset Review Committee (“Committee”) will hold a meeting open to the public on the 22nd day of August, 2019 at 2:30 pm at Polly Rosenbaum History and Archives Building, 1901 West Madison Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room, Phoenix, AZ 85009. Members of the Committee may attend the meeting in person or by telephone conference call. Attendance by other ASBGHN members is possible, and actions requiring ASBGHN approval will be presented to the full ASBGHN for full discussion and decision. The general public may attend the meeting in person or by telephone by calling 415-655-0003, and then enter 808-625-734.